We are delighted to share an update on the launch of our new Simbithi Country Club menus.

As some may have noticed, we soft launched the new Halfway House menu this past weekend. We have also introduced a new Deck Menu.

Both have been well-received, and we are encouraged by the positive feedback we have received.

The final new menu, or A La Carte, will be soft launched from Monday, 11th November, to Thursday, 18th November. On Friday morning, 19thNovember, it will officially be in effect. During this time, our evening specials (Mom’s Night Off on Monday, Seafood on Tuesday, Curry Night on Wednesday and Grill Night on Thursday) will continue as normal.

We welcome your comments and feedback. Please liaise directly with Executive Chef Gary Opperman, on chef@simbithi.com.

PHOTO: Chris and Emily Allan on site, photographing for our new menu!