On Sunday, 6 December our Country Club had the undisputed honour of an extra-special visit…direct from the North Pole!

Yes, that’s right: Mr. Claus himself hopped on a helicopter and flew to our 18th fairway, where he landed on a balmy Sunday afternoon much to the squeals and delight of those who had gathered to welcome him.

While moms and dads enjoyed an absolutely scrumptious buffet and burger bar, and Rockhaven provided sublime afternoon entertainment, our littlest residents and members gathered on our deck for an audience with Santa. Santa’s Elf was on standby to help him read letters, filled with the wishes and dreams of Simbithi’s youngest.

With a pledge to do his best to make these wishes come true, Santa hopped on his bright red golf cart and sped off…we imagine Rudolph and the gang were waiting just around the first tee to take him back to Mrs. Claus!

Thank you to everyone who joined us. Here are a few of the wishes from the children of Simbithi:

“Santa, I hope you don’t get COVID. Wash and sanitise. Please could I have some Lego for Christmas. My baby brother would like some door stops.”


“I would love two valasorapture: one red; one green; a remote control car and ‘plane, and lots of toy guns!”


“Please may I have hot wheels cars, racing car and a mini car.”


“Dear Santa, I want please Santa…art stuff, water balloon and a ball. Thank you.”


“Please may I have a hot wheel race track, and a ball.”


“I would two diggers and a toy for Cindy’s kids.”


“Please may I have a puzzle set.”


“For Christmas, please may I have a puppy.”


” I would like a skateboard, LED lights – all colours – a little bag…any colour.”

“Dear, Santa; me and my wonderful little sister, Anabelle, we really want these for Christmas: Converse sneakers or Soviet sneakers, a pink leotard and a pink tutu and ballet shoes.”


“May I have LED lights, all colours; black leggings, an A4 sketch book and coloured pens.”


“I would like a horse, hair combs, art set.”


“Please bring me a magic set, monster jam, hot wheels track and slops.”
