As you are undoubtedly aware, there has been a confirmed case of the COVID-19 (Corona Virus) in KwaZulu-Natal.
The Department of Health, and the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) have confirmed the first case in KZN, and he and the doctor who diagnosed him, are in isolation in Hilton, near the Midlands. The NIDC and DOH are in the process of tracing those who may have been in contact with this patient, and his family, recently.
We are aware of the risk posed by the COVID-19, and the associated fear with the close proximity of the confirmed case. At the outset, we would like to appeal for calm. We are confident that the relevant authorities are doing their best to monitor the spread of the virus.
Within the boundaries of our Estate, the following precautionary measures are currently being put in place:
Alcohol-based swabs/wipes/dispensers available at each of our access gates and our community centres (subject to supply)
Additional disinfection of public areas and spaces
We are being proactive to ensure the risk is kept to the best possible minimum within our boundaries and are engaging with neighouring estates to establish how best to manage this.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has an interactive resource portal relating to COVID-19. If you would like more information on the status of the virus, and precautionary measures you may take, please click here.
Kind Regards,
Justin Clarke
SEEHOA Board Chairman
UPDATE: The Department of Health, and NICD have confirmed 24 cases of the virus in South Africa, as at Friday, March 13.