We will be sharing news from The Stables: from the barn of 18 horses and ponies owned by 14 wonderful women, five hardworking grooms and a trainer/manager who is never off-duty. Here is the first one, from Steph and Paula:
Who knows what makes a horse spook? They can be such unpredictable animals and today’s scary object might not warrant a second look tomorrow. In Simbithi the new arrivals have a lot with which to contend. The white stripes on speed bumps have stopped some of the boldest horses in their tracks. The resident who likes to cross train when out for a run and suddenly drops to the ground to do push-ups, has had horses spinning on the spot and riders gripping frantically to stay on. You’d expect noisy building sites and rumbling cement mixer trucks to be frightening but it’s the sneaky cyclist or golf cart coming up behind that can set off the poor horse. Jumping castles, balloons and barking dogs: these amazingly tolerant animals must learn to adjust, trust their rider and push on.
Some horses are inquisitive! Farewell Emblem, owned by Daryl Duncan, found this little chameleon on the paddock fence.