Simbithi Board Announcement:

Confirmation of COVID-19 21-Day Lockdown Protocol

Thursday, 26th March, 2020

Dear Residents,

Thank you to all who joined us for our first Webinar, last night. It was great to connect with our community online, and to address your questions and concerns regarding COVID-19, and specifically our Estate’s COVID-19 21-Day Lockdown Protocol.

If you missed the Webinar, you may watch it here.

We will announce further webinars during the lockdown, in order for us to engage regularly and keep you abreast of developments. As we prepare to go into the lockdown from midnight, the Board would like to provide clarity on a few points:

Protocol: Outdoor Recreation/ Exercise & Facilities – Community Centres, Swimming Pools & Trails

As per our communication, disseminated yesterday, the Board reviewed our Protocol following Government’s Inter-Ministerial Media Briefing and the subsequent release of the Government Gazette (Republic of South Africa: Regulation Gazette No. 11062 Vol. 657, 25 March, 2020) – attached hereto.

The Board has considered Annexure D: Places and Premises Closed to the Public Regulation 11B (4) and retains its initial position: all common areas are closed, and out of bounds. Residents are to remain within the boundaries of their property during the lockdown.

We have also noted the confirmation of the above by Minister of Police, Bheki Cele and the subsequent retraction from Minister of Health, Dr. Zweli Mkhize, for his initial comments regarding jogging, walking and walking dogs.

If, during the lockdown, Government releases any updated information, the Board will review and adjust our Protocol accordingly.

Simbithi COVID-19 WhatsApp Helpline

We are excited to announce this platform, as an added service to our community during the lockdown. You are now able to WhatsApp us on 073 156 1378, and receive prompt assistance. Please note the following:

The WhatsApp service is for COVID-19, and lockdown-related queries, only.
The service is manned during office hours, only: 08:00 – 16:30.
Please do not call the mobile number. It is strictly WhatsApp, only.
Simbithi Help Group

A reminder that we have established a COVID-19 Help Group. If you would like to volunteer to assist residents who are unable to leave their homes during lockdown, please e-mail your name, address and mobile number to

If you require assistance during the lockdown, please WhatsApp your request to on

073 156 1378. It will then be co-ordinated within the Simbithi Help Group.

Medication – Sunningdale Pharmacy

One of our residents, Ronel Grant, has very kindly made a generous offer to our residents for the lockdown period. Ronel, who owns Sunningdale Pharmacy has offered to bring any medication or prescription supplies to the Estate, daily.

You are welcome to e-mail your orders and/or prescriptions to, or WhatsApp them to 083 845 8154. All parcels will then be brought to the Estate, at a suitable collection point. The Pharmacy is a preferred provider to all medical aids and patients may pay co-payments via EFT, cash or credit card.

Ronel, thank you for your kindness to our community!

Residents, we trust we can count on you to obey the conditions of the lockdown, and respect the decisions of the Board and Management team as we do our best to keep Simbithi protected during this time.

Stay tuned for some fun, interactive online activities during the 21-Day Lockdown period: we will be uploading to our social media.

Kind Regards,

Justin Clarke

Chairman – Board of Directors