Mozzarella & Spinach-Stuffed Chicken Fillet

Celebrity chef Ina Garten is famous for her affinity to chicken dishes, often throwing out the good old ‘winner winner, chicken dinner’ when she conjures up morsels of gastronomic glory. Perhaps we are biased (or, perhaps not) but we think the Fig Tree Restaurant’s Mozzarella & Spinach Stuffed Chicken Fillet is far more than just […]
Coconut Curried Seafood Soup

The latest marvel on our menu: a delicious bowl of goodness.
Pineapple Sabayon

A sexy, summery dessert perfect for the table this Christmas.
Prawn & Chilli Pasta

The perfect dish for Winter: spicy, creamy and all-round glorious.
Chef G’s Kuku Bizari Ya Pwani

Want to know the secrets of our best-seller from Chef G himself? Straight from Mombasa!
The Moghul Pizza

The perfect treat for Summer – here are the secrets to our best-selling Heron Pizza
Monster Bonzo Beef Burger

The ultimate indulgence: beef, cheese and gloriousness.
Chicken Schnitzel with Char-Roasted Butternut Barley Salad, Steamed Broccoli & Cheese Sauce

Well-balanced, delicious and healthy: instant winner!
Simbithi Eggs Benedict

We FINALLY get the secrets to our Simbithi hollandaise sauce. Oh, yes, we did.
Chocolate Peppermint Tart

Chocolate. That’s all you need to know. Smooth, velvety chocolate.