It’s time to get SPOOKY, Simbithi!. This year’s Trick or Treat will take place on Saturday, 21 October 2022. Have you got your costumes ready? Alright, here’s how to join in the fun:

  1. If you would like to register your house as a Trick or Treat spot, please e-mail or WhatsApp us on 073 156 1378 with your name and full address, by Thursday, 19 October 2023.
  2. If you would like to register your child/family to trick or treat, please e-mail or WhatsApp us on 073 156 1378 with your children’s full names and ages. This is for security purposes, so we know who is registered to trick or treat.
  3. If you and your family would like to trick or treat, please consider having someone at your home to hand out treats, too.
  4. Trick or treating is for residents, only. If you have family or friends visiting, they are welcome to join but must be accompanied by a resident.
  5. All trick or treaters must be accompanied by an adult.

On Friday, 20 October 2023 all registered trick or treaters will be e-mailed a digital copy of a map of the Estate, where all registered homes will be marked with a bright, orange pumpkin.

Trick or treating takes place between 15:00 and 17:30, only. Please only approach homes that are tagged on the map.

You are then welcome to join us for our Trick or Treat Party at the Heron Pizzeria from 18:00 to 20:00! Once you have filled your trick-or-treat coffers, please join us for some fun. If your child/ren would like to join in the fun, please indicate this when you register.

Parents, please note: 

  1. Please encourage your children trick or treat responsibly. Unpleasant behaviour will not be tolerated, as this does not align with our values. 
  2. When you are trick or treating, please take one treat only. This allows us to share, and ensures there is enough for everyone trick or treating.
  3. We will have prizes for the most creative costumes, and best decorated house. Houses will be judged during the Trick or Treat period, and costumes will be adjudicated between 18:00 and 18:30 at the Heron. 

Finally, residents, please be patient during the Trick or Treat time slot. There may be traffic around some of the marked spots, and there will be children walking along our roads. Please exercise caution and kindness.