Trick or Treat #21 – We’re Back!

We are certain our littlest residents have missed our community-based events just as much as we have missed planning and hosting them. That said, we are excited to announce the return of Trick or Treat this Halloween!


It might be a bit different this year because we must keep all our children and their parents safe, but we are still going to have some fun on Saturday, 30 October 2021. Here’s how it will work:


1.     If you would like to register your house as a Trick or Treat spot, please e-mail or WhatsApp us on 073 156 1378 with your name and full address, by Thursday, 28 October 2021.

2.     If you would like to register your child/family to trick or treat, please e-mail or WhatsApp us on 073 156 1378 with your children’s full names and ages. This is for security purposes, so we know who is registered to trick or treat.

3.     If you and your family would like to trick or treat, please consider having someone at your home to hand out treats, too.

4.     Trick or treating is for residents, only. If you have family or friends visiting, they are welcome to join but must be accompanied by a resident.

5.     All trick or treaters must be accompanied by an adult.


On Friday, 29 October 2021 all registered trick or treaters will be e-mailed a digital copy of a map of the Estate, where all registered homes have been marked with a bright, orange pumpkin. Residents, you may also assist by affixing a balloon to the green road sign outside your home.


Trick or treating takes place between 15:00 and 17:30, only. Please only approach homes that either have a balloon displayed outside, or which are tagged on the map.


COVID-19 Precautions

1.     Please consider having your treats packaged, so parents are able to sanitise the packaging for their children.

2.     All participants must wear masks when accepting, or handing out, treats. Make it fun! Dress it up as part of your Halloween costume.

3.     Please carry a bottle of sanitiser with you, so you may keep cleaning your hands. Or, stop at one of our community centres along your way to wash your hands or use the sanitiser.


Lastly, we appeal for good behaviour. Anyone found using this event to deliberately misbehave will be penalised.