There has been a fair amount of movement on the Golf front over the past 24 hours.

The Club Management Association of South Africa (CMASA) and Golf RSA have met with the Minister of Sports and Recreation, Hon. Nathi Mthethwa, and negotiations are ongoing, even as we speak.
To date, there has been no Regulation published permitting the recreational use of a Golf Course.

We are aware that several Clubs have decided to open their courses to residents and members. However, Simbithi Country Club has opted to wait for regulated publications allowing the game to be played lawfully, first.

This is in accordance with the principles upon which the COVID-19 Steering Committee, Board of Directors and Management have consistently managed the COVID-19 pandemic: we abide by the law and protect all stakeholders concerned.

We acknowledge your frustration, and are just as eager to see you out on the Course as you are to get there! We ask that you bear with us as we negotiate this period.

Our sincere hope is that within the new month, and the easing down to Alert Level 3, we will bring you good news; soon.

Once again, I thank you for your patience on this matter. We will keep you informed.