Nelson Mandela once said: “you cannot do a kindness too soon, because you never know how soon it will be.” This year, we decided to start a kindness train for Mandela Day, 2020. With this year’s theme being #ItAllStartsWithMe, we asked you to submit heroes, who have:
1. Made you SMILE, during the pandemic
2. Continued to SHINE, despite the pandemic, and
3. SURVIVED, despite the pandemic
Are we ready? All aboard…
HERO: Helen Millar (submitted by Laurien & James La Grange)
“Our nomination would have to go to Helen Millar, a single parent, for her great initiative and hard work and dedication to ‘Keep the Lights On’ – helping so many desperate peple without electricity. She truly is #SimbithiStrong!”
HERO: Security Team (submitted by Hanrie du Preez)
“My heroes are every security personnel working through this pandemic and keeping us safe at every entrance and exit of this Estate. Every day we get a friendly wave or greeting and that has put so many smiles on my face when I felt miserable. Our Security are the most friendly and sweetest people. They have dried up so many tiers from my face by their warm Hello and Goodbye. They are friendly despite the horrific pandemic. I just pray that their lives are safe when they go home to their families. I want to say thank you to every single one of them for being our first line workers of the Estate. Keeping us feel safe and happy to come home.”
HERO: Jodi Chetty (submitted by Riaan Botha)
“The driver of the train!”
HERO: Jodi Chetty (submitted by Yvette Farinha)
“She is always quick with a joke, or to light up the room, brings positive to the front row and continues to urge people to shine, to be their best.”
HERO: Riaan Botha (submitted by Shaun Govender)
HEROES: Samantha Jooste (submitted by Karenne Jo Bloomgarden)
“She is there 110% of the time, constantly helping others, schools, children, principals, providing support for struggling youth. Sam has done so much for so many, she creates lasting memories for so many. It’s also special that her husband is also a man who helps make the world better for all of us. A true couple who are always giving.”
HERO: Andile Manyosi (submitted by Tim & Yvonne Driman)
“He always has a smile on his face, no matter what.”
HERO: Silindile Ngcobo (submittted by Tim & Yvonne Driman)
“She always answers the phone with such a happy spirit.”
HERO: Bongiwe Dunn (submitted by Tim & Yvonne Driman)
“She is always happy and cheerful.”
HERO: Warren Abery (submitted by the Golf Team)
“Despite the trying time he has had over the last few months he has always been positive and has a awesome sense of humour and makes us smile every day.”
HEROES: Martin Leisher & Max [SCC Maintenance Team] (submitted by Sharon Birnie)
“Nothing and I mean nothing is too big or too small for this team, they do it with enthusiasm and pride and despite all that’s going on they beautify Simbithi CC every day, one job at a time.”
HERO: Malcolm Samuel (submitted by Gary McKenzie)
HERO: Pedro da Costa (submitted by Carol Holland)
“My partner, Pedro da Costa has suffered from the virus since he first felt ill two weeks ago and then tested positive for Covid -19 on Friday 10 July. A difficult week followed with high temperatures, body chills, severe muscle aches and loss of appetite. Then this morning he woke up after a good nights sleep and is feeling stronger, hungrier (he has lost 8kgs in a week) and is almost back to his “old self” talking a hind leg off a donkey again! His golfing buddies will be very familiar with this trait. So if this old dog can fight this virus and beat it, anyone can. A special thanks to the caring friends and Simbithi residents who have offered food, support and loving messages whilst we are in self-isolation. This is truly a very special piece of heaven we call “home” and we value it every day.”
HERO: Gcuma Similisa (submitted by Tom Bassett)
“He has always been an inspiration at the Main Gate and sometimes serves at West and South Gates for a few years now and he definitely spearheaded the resident name recognition trait amongst our security personnel. His usual exemplary, self motivated attitude of courteousness, commitment to residents and friendly smile has always been a good example as to what Simbithi is all about. This is not an attitude that results from training of security staff, but arises from the natural good and conviction that is within a person. So to maintain this attitude whilst all around you are concerned and, more particularly when he lives in a community that is increasingly threatened by the scourge of corona Virus, is even more commendable.
I also notice that over the last year a few other, newer security staff employees, are following the example set by Gcuma by emulating him, which is a credit to himself and is also commendable, as this can only enhance the motivation and effectiveness of our security staff and therefore the safety of our residents. Keep smiling and maintain your self motivation Gcuma, as such can only result in something better for your personal benefit and future job enhancement prospects.”
HERO: Mia Sparks (submitted by Nicki Bowles)
|She’s coped so well with the various stages of Lockdown: she had a programme of things to do for each day of lockdown, and posted daily positive photos and comments to inspire others. She and her family have made possibly hundreds of litres of soup for charity. She ran in little squares around the garden frequently to raise money for charity and conservation. Continually positive and empathetic, she’s an example to all of us.”
HERO: Dylan Jahnig (submitted by Sue Clarke)
“Every Sunday he has made me feel God has got this and everything will be okay.”
HERO: Justin Clarke (submitted by Sue Clarke)
“My husband Justin Clarke who has been house bound for nearly 3 months due to his high risk medical status and he has not complained once and continues to work tirelessly on his day job and his SIMBITHI chairmanship like a champion.”
HERO: Sandy Clark (submitted by Sue Clarke)
“She nursed her mother in – law then catching the virus and ending up in ICU and surviving COVID and going on to share her story with SIMBITHI residents.”
HERO: Mia Sparks (submitted by Margi Lilienfeld)
“She has singlehandedly prepared over 210 litres of soup for distribution since the start of lockdown which translates into over 840 servings for hungry ‘little mouths”.”
HERO: Riaan Botha (submitted by Dysan Parasaraman)
“Sometimes serious, at times crazy, cracking jokes. Keeps the team on their toes…. testing their knowledge on Covid-19 regulations. Guiding the team during these difficult times. Waiting in the cold in the mornings with his temperature gun. Always hard working and meticulous. He makes me smile and gives me hope and strength during these challenging times.”
HERO: Riaan Botha (submitted by Jodi Chetty)
“To keep a team of Simbithi’s size – with all our different personalities – safe and sane during a pandemic is no mean feat. Riaan does it with aplomb: from freezing every morning to check our temps, to chasing us down in the afternoons for round two, to going out of his way to ensure we are compliant (even when we sass and growl) on regulations, do’s and don’ts…Riaan, you’re a legend!”
HERO: Helen Millar (submitted by Nicole La Grange)
“For recognition of the amazing work and effort she has put in to raise money and arrange for disadvantaged people in and around Ballito to have electricity. Her campaign “Keep the lights on” is phenomenal and deserves to be a winner.”
HERO: Helen Millar (submitted by Leigh Pearson)
“For recognition for the amazing work and effort she has put in to raise money and arrange for disadvantaged people in and around Ballito to have electricity. Her campaign “Keep the lights on” is incredible.”
HERO: Helen Millar (submitted by Amy Hector)
“For recognition for the amazing work and effort she has put in to raise money and arrange for disadvantaged people in and around Ballito to have electricity. Her campaign “Keep the lights on” is amazing.”
HERO: Helen Millar (submitted by Gill Leslie)
“For helping those in need with eĺectricity.”
HERO: Helen Millar (submitted by Nikki Chennells)