Simbithi was, once again, honoured to play a role in the Partners for Possibility North Coast journey. PfP North Coast recently celebrated the closure of their third leadership circle, and we are proud to share this with you.

There is only one word to describe the mood at Simbithi Country Club: exuberant. It’s a Friday night, and people are streaming in to the Pavilion Room, each with a smile – or, grin – wider than the next. Everyone is dressed to celebrate the rich cultural heritage of South Africa. African, Indian, Dutch…you name it, and someone is wearing it. Interestingly, there are even a few people who have “borrowed” cultures!

And, this is the story of Partners for Possibility. It is a unique programme that unites in a way little else is able to, by bridging the gap between schools who need assistance and the business leaders who have the knowledge to help, but may not know exactly how. In a PfP circle, everyone is equal and each has a part to play in shaping the future of South Africa.

This is what Mistress of Ceremonies, former Simbithi resident Cath Bol remarks on as she takes her place at the podium. Cath and her husband Remco, who were actually spending their last few days on the Estate and in the country at the time of the celebration, were especially touched by PfP. “It is my hope that we all stay connected, and keep doing what we have started,” Cath said, with tears in her eyes.

Leadership Facilitator, the dynamic Terry Dearling, inspires every circle with her determination and grace. Terry, dressed smartly in traditional Zulu attire, does something poignant to illustrate the effects of PfP: with a single flame, she asks everyone in the room to light the candles placed in front of them. As the room lights up with little flames, everywhere, Terry smiles and reminds everyone: “it only takes one of us to decide to make a change, and the rest will follow.”

Our General Manager, Malcolm Samuel, thanked PfP for allowing Simbithi to play a role in nation building. “We are an anchor partner,” Malcolm shared proudly. “We were part of the launch, and I partnered in the first circle. Every year, two of our managers join PfP and I’m grateful that we have the chance to share our skills, and learn from the principals we partner with.”

Congratulations to our Security Manager, Dysan Parasaraman and his partner, Emona Primary School Principal Thami Mkhwanazi for completing their partnership.

Circle four was launched in October, this year, and we look forward to the journey of our Technical Manager, Nicky Misra.

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