
Balti cooking – from Baltistan in Northern Pakistan – is essentially a quick way of preparing curries using techniques similar to that of Chinese Stir frying.

The word Balti translates to “bucket” in Punjabi and describes the small, flat-bottomed, two –handled wok-like pan, called a karahi, in which the food is cooked and served.

Serves 4

Ready in 45 minutes

150 ml Natural Plain Yoghurt               

50g Cashew Nuts                

1 ½ tsp Chilli Powder                                                   

2 Bay Leaves                   

¼ tsp Ground Cloves                                                     

1 tsp Garam masala             

4 Green Cardamom pods                                             

¼ tsp Turmeric                     

Fresh Red Chilli to taste                       

2cm piece Fresh Ginger               

2 Garlic cloves                                                             

2 medium Fresh Tomatoes           

1 ¼ tsp Salt                                                                   

1Kg Chicken Breast fillet     

75g Butter                                                                   

1tbsp Sunflower oil               

2 Medium Onions                                                         

2 tbsp Fresh Coriander leaves 



Place the yoghurt, all the spices, ginger, garlic, chilli, tomatoes and one onion cut in quarters, in a liquidizer and process until well combined.

Cut the chicken breast fillet into bite size chunks about 2cm X 2cm.

Slice the remaining onion.

In a heavy based skillet or frying pan, gently heat the oil and add the sliced onion.  Sauté the onion until transparent but without colour.

Add the chicken to the skillet and sauté with the onion until the chicken is just about cooked.  Add the yoghurt sauce and bring to a gentle simmer. Simmer for 7 – 10 minutes or until the chicken is fully cooked. 

Season to taste and serve with Fresh coriander leaves, Basmati rice and Roti  
