Most households tend to rush through breakfasts during the week: it’s a hurried piece of toast, there and a quick bowl of cereal here…while schoolbags are packed, last-minute homework is checked and everyone piles into the car for the school run.

This is probably why those lazy Saturday morning breakfasts are so precious. Those mid-morning hours when you emerge from a tangle of bed linen, pad into the kitchen and cook a leisurely spread for the family to enjoy are rather magical, aren’t they?

Well, our Senior Sous Chef Louis Lesch gave a few Simbithi moms the chance to up their breakfast game with the first of our Mom’s Cooking Classes on Saturday, 15 May, 2021 at the Dragonfly Kitchen. Chef Louis taught the group how to make gorgeous scones, homemade granola and their own flapjack premix.

If you missed out on this month, don’t stress: just make sure you book your spot for the June edition! Call the Events department on 032-846 5409 or e-mail