At Simbithi, we are passionate about Community Social Investment (CSI) and support our surrounding communities as often as we can. Mandela Day, however, gives us a chance to do something extra special!

This year, we have partnered with a great initiative called Clothes to Good (CTG) , an organization that recycles pre-loved and new clothing, shoes and retail apparel: using what others may consider “waste” to create positive social impact.

For their 2021 campaign, CTG has partnered with retail giant H&M to create Clothes to Trees: Love our Planet Programme, which empowers women through micro-business development, creates jobs for people with disabilities and creates educational resources for children in low-resourced early childhood development (ECD) centres. The programme also ensures that pre-loved clothing does not end up in landfill sites, contributing to the fashion industry being the second highest polluter, globally.

Here’s how it works:

  1. If you would like to participate, please pop into the Welcome Centre (42 Cussonia Way) and pick up a fully recyclable, green collection bag. Please fill the bag with pre-loved items (clothes, shoes, linen, curtains etc.) and fasten the bag.
  2. You will be handed a permission to donate form with your bag. Please ensure you fill this in and put it into the bag before you fasten it.
  3. Return the bag to the Country Club administration office, to Lindiwe Ntshangase, by Friday 17th July 2021. You may do this on weekdays from 14:00 to 16:00.
  4. CTG will collect the bags from Simbithi and, once they have been counted, we will let our community know how many bags we collected.

It’s that simple!

If you would like to fill more than one bag, please contact and we will arrange for you to collect.

For every bag you fill, you will earn a 15% discount voucher from H&M!
As part of this year’s initiative, you will also receive a Spekboom tree to plant. You may either keep your tree to plant at your home or pay-it-forward to one of the eight schools Simbithi supports through Partners for Possibility.

If you would like to find out more about CTG, please watch below

Also, watch our Marketing & Communications Co-Ordinator Jodi Chetty give you a brief run-down of Simbithi’s contribution, below.

For more information, or clarity, please e-mail

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